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Do you know your ORCID Identifier?


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An ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a 16-character persistent identifier for researchers. An ORCID identifier resolves author disambiguation and you are reliably able to connect your contributions and affiliations to your ORCID.

Journal publishers and funders are already mandating the use of ORCIDs so it is in a researchers interests to create and curate their ORCID.

How to create an ORCID

Once you have created an ORCID identifier email

If you need further instructions, email  and we will email you our in-house instructional video

Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)

A persistent identifier (PID) is a log-lasting reference to a resource, regardless of whether the resource is a publication, dataset, person, funding body or institution. When PIDs are useful is in their ability to reliably identify and verify a resource. Researchers regularly engage with PIDs already and we provide a few examples:

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – The most popular PID you will come across that can be applied to objects (such as articles) as well as organisations (such as funders)

Did you know – That the School is a member of Datacite and on a researcher’s behalf can create and formally register a DOI record for any object. Examples include research data and job market papers.

ORCID – As detailed in the other part of this libguide. The benefit of a people identifier like ORCID is it’s ability to connect itself to object identifiers (like a DOI or ISBN).

Handle – Registered PIDs that are used for internet resources. Closely related to DOIs that are a type of Handle.

arXiv Identifier – For those that write pre-prints, arXiv has it’s own system of PIDs.

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) – A serial number used to identify journals. A print and online journal will have differing ISSN’s registered

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) – While ISBN’s can differ by version, they perform the function of a PID when it comes to being unique

Research Organization Registry (ROR) – An example of a PID for research organisations