Automotive industry search tips:
In our databases the automotive industry may be classified under headings such as Motor industry, Car industry, Commercial vehicles
Company databases may use SIC codes or NAIC codes and in the field of finance the GICS codes may be used (or an ICB for the UK). More information.
Researching a company in this sector? |
Provides detailed market research reports for UK, US, China and (limited) global. |
Recommended resource for researching the automotive market. Market reports for many different automotive components as well as broader reports e.g. high performance cars and electric cars. |
Statista | Statistics, reports and infographics on various aspects of the automotive industry around the world. |
MarketLine Advantage | Contains basic industry and company profiles for sectors such as Automotive manufacturing, Automotive aftermarket, Light trucks and New cars. |
Mergent Online | Mergent incorporates the Investext module of analysts' research. Try using keyword in headine for focussed results. |
Bloomberg |
Go to > Function <BI> and select sectors and sub-sectors. Information available for Automotive sector includes cost analysis, market share and production and sales data. |
Automotive Industry - PwC |
European Automobile Manufacturers Association |
US Motor Vehicle Trade Statistics |
International Organisation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers |
Automotive Reports - BCG |
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (UK) |
KPMG Automotive Institute |
Automotive Insights |
ScienceDirect |
Covers business and sci/tech. Good for academic articles on materials, technologies and processes in automotive manufacturing. |
Factiva | Our global news database with news wires, newspapers, websites and trade and professional titles. For a more targeted search try limiting the sources to the automotive industry. | | Registration required. NB: It is included when searching Factiva. |
Economist | Full personalised access to The Economist. Registration required. |
ProQuest Business Premium Collection | Covers business and industry journals, news wires and reports. Includes some content from Just-Auto. |