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Professional Skills: Home

Suggested resources from the Information Services and Library Team

Background to professional skills

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This guide will help you navigate to the premium content held by the Library on professional skills. It also highlights a selection of useful web resources. It covers all aspects of the professional skills that you will need to use in the workplace.

Use it to access:

  • Relevant print and e-books
  • Journals in our collection
  • Reliable free web resources

If there are any additional free web resources you think we should be listing in this guide, please get in touch. 

Single search books & journals: SUMMON

Free web resources

Click and collect/ deliver

Did you know we offer a Click and Collect service,  which allows you to request a book from our library stock? For Faculty and Staff only, we also offer Click and Deliver. Just check the box towards the end of the form and we will send it to you via the internal mail service.