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Citation Counts

From time to time, staff are asked to obtain citation counts of faculty research over a specific time period. This may be for our own faculty or an external academic. Citation count data demonstrate research impact through how often an articles has been cited in another's work. There are two main sources use at the School to obtain citation counts.


Source Brief Explanation How to access Advantages Disadvantages
Web of Science A collection of prestige journals where all references and citations are counted Our A-Z: Web of Science Popularity of adoption within the School Does not have data on research outside of prestige journals (i.e. books, working papers)
Google Scholar Google Scholar scraping all academic content and calculating how many times research has been cited. It is free on the web but accessing it via our A-Z list of databases  will enable direct linked to our journal subscriptions.

Our A-Z Google Scholar

Free and easy to obtain data. Includes citation counts on books and working papers The citation counts will always be higher compared to Web of Science. The collection is a bit too large and uncontrolled

Top Tip

As an alternative to logging in to Web of Science data, the citation counts also appear in the LBS institutional repository: LBS Research Online. Just look up the paper and look in the Statistics box on the right-hand side. Further, the Library Team have started providing Subject Area Managers periodic reports of all LBS articles (including the Web of Science citation count).