Energy is often categorised as:
Renewable - solar (photovoltaic), wind (eolic), wave, tidal, biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric.
Non-renewable - oil, natural gas, coal.
Search tips:
In our databases energy may be classified under utilities or under power or power generation or electricity generation. For green energy try keywords: alternative energy, renewables, green energy, sustainable energy, biofuels.
Company databases may use SIC codes or NAIC codes and in the field of finance the GICS codes may be used (or an ICB for the UK). More information.
Researching a company? |
Previously Business Monitor International reports. |
Provides detailed market research reports for UK, US, China and (limited) global. |
Mergent Online |
Company financials, short industry reports and analyst research reports on this sector. |
Good for new energy markets, as well as fossil fuels. Covers Energy as a Service, markets for energy industry related components and also markets related to Energy Utilities. |
Bloomberg |
Go to > Function <BI> and selection sectors and sub-sectors. |
Statista | Good for statistics and reports on all aspects of Energy industry. |
IEA World Energy Outlook |
Enerdata |
OPEC - World Oil Outlook |
EIA - US Energy Administration |
BP |
Eurelectric |
Solar Power Europe |
Deloitte |
IEF Global Energy Reports |
Bloomberg NEF - New Energy Outlook 2024 Long-term energy and climate scenarios for the transition to a low-carbon economy providing an independent set of credible scenarios covering electricity, industry, buildings and transport, and the key drivers shaping these sectors until 2050. |
McKinsey Oil and Gas Insights |
ScienceDirect | Covers business and sci/tech. Good for technical developments in energy and energy storage, and advances in renewable energy. | |
Factiva | Our global news database with news wires, newspapers, websites and trade and professional titles. For a more targeted search try limiting to sources relevant to the energy and / or utilities sectors. | | |
Economist |
Project Syndicate | Project provides original, high-quality commentaries to a global audience, covering economics, politics, health, technology, and culture. |