Private equity - to find a book:
Search the Library Catalogue for private equity which is represented by the class mark: ECGD/EEBD
We also have a number of e-books on the topic.
For a mixture of academic and trade press and news search for "private equity" and limit by date and to "full text only". | |
Factiva | Our global news database with news wires, newspapers, websites and trade and professional titles. It includes the Financial Times. | | Registration required. NB: It is included when searching Factiva. |
Economist | Full personalised access to The Economist. Registration required. |
"Private equity is medium to long-term finance provided in return for an equity stake in potentially high-growth unquoted companies."
"Private equity investments typically support management buyouts and managing buy-ins in mature companies, as opposed to venture capital which provides funding for early-stage and younger companies."
From the BVCA Private Equity Explained. The difference between private equity and venture capital - is explained here.
Private Equity Companies
Pitchbook | Pitchbook covers the private capital markets including private equity, venture capital and deals. Warning - there are data download limits for each user. Individuals have 25 downloads per month and can use up to 10 in a day; you must perform your analysis using the tools provided in the product. Please read the entry in our A-Z list. |
Preqin | Our Preqin subscription is to the Private Equity Module only. Use to filter for funds, investor and deals and more. No download limits. |
S&P's Capital IQ covers international quoted companies including private equity companies. It has information on 18,000+ private equity firms including a list of all active and historical portfolio companies. |
Bloomberg |
<PE> Go. Provides recent activity, screening by: funds, partners, companies. PE backed IPOs and links to M&A deals that are PE backed. |
Web Sources
Private Equity Report 2024 - Bain
Global Healthcare Private Equity and Corporate M&A Report 2024
Coller Capital Global Private Equity Barometer 2024
Private Equity Trend Report 2024 by PwC
Horizons: Global view of M&A deal activity A quarterly global M&A activity report from BDO
African PE and Venture Capital Association reports and data
India Private Equity Report 2024 - Bain
Asia-Pacific Private Equity Report 2024 - Bain
Sifted Provides some free news content and reports. Full access to subscribers only.
Crunchbase Some news articles and reports are freely available other data requires a subscription.
Dry Powder The private equity podcast by Bain.