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Private equity: Home

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Search tips

Private equity - to find a book:

Search the Library Catalogue for private equity which is represented by the class mark: ECGD/EEBD
​We also have a number of e-books on the topic.

News and keeping up to date

Business Source Premier

For a mixture of academic and trade press and news search for "private equity" and limit by date and to "full text only".
Factiva Our global news database with news wires, newspapers, websites and trade and professional titles. It includes the Financial Times. Registration required. NB: It is included when searching Factiva.
Economist Full personalised access to The Economist. Registration required.

Learn about private equity

"Private equity is medium to long-term finance provided in return for an equity stake in potentially high-growth unquoted companies."

"Private equity investments typically support management buyouts and managing buy-ins in mature companies, as opposed to venture capital which provides funding for early-stage and younger companies."
From the BVCA Private Equity Explained. 
The difference between private equity and venture capital -  is explained here.

Private Equity Companies

Pitchbook Pitchbook covers the private capital markets including private equity, venture capital and deals.
Warning - there are data download limits for each user. Individuals have 25 downloads per month and can use up to 10 in a day; you must perform your analysis using the tools provided in the product. Please read the entry in our A-Z list.

Look for Single Sign On - SSO - for access.
Preqin Our Preqin subscription is to the Private Equity Module only. Use to filter for funds, investor and deals and more. No download limits.

Capital IQ

S&P's Capital IQ covers international quoted companies including private equity companies. It has information on 18,000+ private equity firms including a list of all active and historical portfolio companies.
Use the screening and targeting tools to find potential acquisitions, investments, buyers, and co-investors or limited partners.

Finance Zone only

<PE> Go. Provides recent activity, screening by: funds, partners, companies. PE backed IPOs and links to M&A deals that are PE backed.

Web Sources

Private Equity Report 2024 - Bain 

Global Healthcare Private Equity and Corporate M&A Report 2024

Coller Capital Global Private Equity Barometer 2024 

Private Equity Trend Report 2024 by PwC 

Horizons: Global view of M&A deal activity A quarterly global M&A activity report from BDO

African PE and Venture Capital Association reports and data

India Private Equity Report 2024 - Bain

Asia-Pacific Private Equity Report 2024 - Bain


Sifted Provides some free news content and reports. Full access to subscribers only.

Crunchbase Some news articles and reports are freely available other data requires a subscription.

Dry Powder The private equity podcast by Bain.