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Company databases may use SIC codes or NAIC codes and in the field of finance the GICS codes may be used (or an ICB for the UK). More information.
Researching a company in this sector? |
Fitch Reports |
In the ProQuest database there are a series of quarterly industry and country reports by Fitch: Fitch Solutions Country Industry Reports PUBID(2044556) Fitch Solutions Industry Insight Reports PUBID(2044554) To locate pharma reports in the country industry series in ProQuest enter the details of the series plus a keyword. For example: PUBID(2044556) AND pharmaceutical. |
Provides detailed market research reports for UK, US, China and (limited) global. |
Company financials, short industry reports and analyst research on this sector. Go to the Investext tab for analysts' reports. |
Statista | Dossiers on the Global Pharmaceuticals Industry, plus country specific ones, and a guide to Top 100 Pharma companies. Also covers Healthcare systems in various countries and the topic of digital healthcare. Includes a lot of data on COVID-19 and a dossier on the response of Pharma and MedTech companies. |
Thousands of healthcare related reports. Most are global and cover a huge range of medicines, medical devices etc. |
Bloomberg |
Go to > Function <BI> and selection sectors and sub-sectors. BI aggregates data from proprietary Bloomberg sources and 500 third-party providers into interactive charts. Industry research coverage spans all 10 major sectors and 135+ industries with powerful thinking on key performance factors, thematic issues, and profitability and valuation drivers for each industry. |
World Health Organization (WHO) |
PhRMA (Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America) |
Department of Health and Social Care |
OECD Health at a Glance |
Congressional Budget Office |
National Center for Health Statistics |
Quality Care Commission |
ScienceDirect |
Covers business and sci/tech. Strong on medicine and healthcare topics. Not all Health Sciences titles are included in our subscription, but some are, and others have some articles available on open access. |
Factiva | Our global news database with news wires, newspapers, websites and trade and professional titles. For more targeted results try limiting the sources you are searching by industry e.g. Healthcare/Life Sciences or Biotechnology or Pharmaceuticals. | | Registration required. NB: It is included when searching Factiva. |
Economist | Full personalised access to The Economist. Registration required. |
Emerald | Covers a number of health and social care practitioner journals. Our level of full text access will vary from title to title. |
Project Syndicate | Provides original, high-quality commentaries to a global audience, covering economics, politics, health, technology, and culture. |