Real Estate:
Covering: residential, commercial and real estate investment.
Search tips:
In our databases try searching for the terms real estate and property. Don't forget that in the UK, realtors dealing with residential property are known as estate agents.
Company databases may use SIC codes or NAIC codes and in the field of finance the GICS codes may be used (or an ICB for the UK). More information.
Researching a company? |
Bloomberg SO.W2.01/02 and B101 only |
RE<GO> will take you to the real estate menu. From there you can access real estate indices, US housing data, UK house prices, News, Property derivatives, Mortgage rates and statistics. |
Eikon | Use Datastream to get historical data for Real Estate Indices. Further real estate data also available under the Economics category. |
To find Fitch reports go to the Proquest database and enter: PUBID(2044556) AND real estate |
Provides detailed market research reports for UK, US, China and (limited) global. |
For Analysts' research on quoted companies and their markets go to the Investext tab. |
Good for quick profiles on topics such as Real Estate development, REITS and mortgage industry. |
Bloomberg |
Go to > Function <BI> and selection sectors and sub-sectors. |
Statista | Statista covers all aspects of the real estate market. Not just at country level; includes information for some major cities. |
S&P Capital IQ Pro | News, data and research on real estate companies traded on stock markets around the world. |
Web Sources
The Association of Real Estate Funds |
Emerging Trends in Real Estate® Series - PwC |
Real Estate reports - Knight Frank |
European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) |
RICs Foundation |
National Association of Realtors |
UK Government |
Global Property Guide. Rental yileds, prices, proprty taxes and more. You do have to subscribe - for a moderate sum. |
Factiva | Our global news database with news wires, newspapers, websites and trade and professional titles. Try limiting your search to titles relevant to the Real Estate / Construction sectors for more targeted results. | | Registration required. NB: It is included when searching Factiva. |
Economist | Full personalised access to The Economist. Registration required. |
Emerald | Recent articles from titles such as Journal of Corporate Real Estate and Journal of Property Investment and Finance. |