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Research for Alumni

Library resources

You have access to a few library resources which should help you find articles from academic journals, trade and business publications, and newspapers. They are listed below, with brief descriptions and availability information.

All of them offer simple search interfaces that mean you should be able to find relevant content easily, however you may find if you are looking for something very specific or you are getting too many results, you may find our search tips sheet (see bottom of page) will help you.

Search Tips

Useful document containing search tips for many of the different databases available to Alumni.

Further sources

Open Access
Increasingly academic research is becoming freely available through Open Access channels. Open Access is free and unrestricted online access to publications: to read, download and re-use, subject to proper attribution. There are different kinds of OA content. Authors can publish in an OA journal or pay their pulisher to permit free access. There are different versions of access and resitrictions on when and where the content can be shared. There are still rules about what can be done with OA content. These are managed throught the use of Creative Commons Licences, a serice of "controlled sharing" licences. 
See our page on Creative Commons.

Find free Open Access journal articles - install a plugin

  • Unpaywall is an easy efficient way to find legal free open access copies of nearly 10 million journal articles. Simply install the Unpaywall browser plugin and when you hit a publisher paywall an icon will pop up on your screen to let you know if a free legal copy is available.

Books & journals

  • Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) is a service of OAPEN Foundation, an international initiative dedicated to Open Access monograph publishing, The portal gives access to thousands of academic, peer-reviewed books from over 150 publishers.
  • Directory of  Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an independent, community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. 
  • JSTOR Open Access - for full text open access journal articles and book chapters. Anyone can sign up for a free Jstor account. Creating an account gives access to 100 free articles per month. 
  • UCL Press is the first, fully open access university press in the UK focusing on scholarly monographs, scholarly editions, textbooks, and journals. Although they do not list business their book coverage includes: Economics, The Environment and Sustainability, Planning and Urban studies and Gloabal Development.
  • Open Textbook Library - University of Minnesota has created a catalog of open textbooks released under a Creative Commons, or similar, license. Instructors can customize open textbooks to fit their course needs by remixing, editing, and adding their own content. It covers business, finance, economics, accounting, management etc.
    Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP) is among the largest publishers of Open Access journals. Currently, it publishes over 200 peer-reviewed open access journals online, covering a diverse range of academic disciplines including: Business & Economics; Computer Science & Communications; Engineering; and Social Sciences and Humanitiies.

Academic repositories - general

  • CORE (COnnecting REpositories) - is an aggregation of open access content from UK and worldwide repositories and open access journal conten
  • OpenDOAR -  This is global directory of academic open access repositories. You can search for repositories,by location, software or type of material held.

Academic repositories in business and management

  • LBSResearchOnline - faculty's academic research on all business topics, from the London Business School.
  • ORO - the Open University's repository filtered just to their business content.
  • DASH - An open access repository of research by the Harvard community. You can search across or limit to Harvard Business School ourputs.
  • DSpace@MIT -  is a digital repository for MIT's research, including peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, working papers, theses, and more.
  • ScholaryCommons - University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School open access institutional repository.
  • Columbia Business School - faculty research.
  • INSEAD - faculty research

Research papers

  • Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is one of the largest Open Access pre-print repositories. It is made up of  a number of specialised research networks in each of the social sciences covering: Accounting, Corporate Strategy and Business Policy, Economics, Innovation, Management. It also has a series if topic hubs:ESG, Generative AI , crypto currency and climate action are just a few. See this page.