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In our databases content on social media may be classified under media, communications or technology sectors
Company databases may use SIC codes or NAIC codes and in the field of finance the GICS codes may be used (or an ICB for the UK). More information.
Researching a company in this sector? |
Forrester | Our primary source for research on all topics related to technology including Social Media. There are numerous reports on this topic. NB: Registration required. |
Provides detailed market research reports for UK, US, China and (limited) global. |
Statista | Good statistical and report coverage for social media usage and social media advertising. |
For Analysts' research on quoted companies and their markets go to the Investext tab. |
Includes reports covering a number of different aspects of social media markets and the markets of related technologies. |
A number of relevant reports by publishers such as Plunkett, First Research and Just-Food. |
MarketLine Advantage | Industry and company profiles, also has some case-study style reports e.g. one on Facebook's acquisition of Whatsapp. |
Bloomberg |
Go to > Function <BI> and select Communications> Internet. It includes cost analysis and market share information for major internet and social media firms (including some based in China) |
Pew Research |
Social Media Examiner |
Online Nation |
WeAreSocial |
ScienceDirect | Covers business and sci/tech. Useful for academic research on the technology behind and use of social media. |
Factiva | Our global news database with news wires, newspapers, websites and trade and professional titles. Try limiting your search to sources relevant to this industry or by using Social Media in the subject index. | | Registration required. NB: It is included when searching Factiva. |
Economist | Full personalised access to The Economist. Registration required. |
Emerald ManagementXtra | Articles on social media from practitioner journals in a wide range of fields, including media and marketing. |