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The Future of Energy: Challenges, Perspectives, and Solutions by Thomas Valone (Editor)
This anthology includes a wide range of topics related to the probable and also possible future developments of energy technologies. The collection of papers offers a series of unprecedented perspectives on energy science, unavailable elsewhere. The authors have considered developments in renewable energy, novel energy discoveries, environmental climate futures, possible technological advances, temporal distortion, and gravitational electromagnetism. Specific energy inventors reporting breakthrough results have also been showcased in individual chapters, including Searl, Manelas, Kozyrev, and Storms. The future of energy is presented with possible scenarios such as with microgrids, solar systems, fusion-fission reactors, smart cities, energy storage, electric vehicles, low energy nuclear reactors, electromagnetic devices, proton and electron conversion, theoretical antigravity, and time manipulation. Several interesting models have been considered to provoke and stretch the reader's imagination and awareness of the study of the future. This collection of works provides a broad range of conceptual understanding of energy conversion that is both conventional and unconventional. Each chapter includes a significant use of graphs and charts, as well as explanatory equations where necessary, with plenty of vital references and links to substantiate any new scientific concepts and assist further research. More than one new phenomena of electrical power production have been discovered and the results documented in detail within the pages of this anthology. While the time schedule and specific cause of global warming is detailed, the plan for advanced energy applications is also explored. The collection of works provides a unique perspective on the evolving landscape of future energy which is provocative and enlightening. The reader will find it enriches and enlivens the discussion of what is to come.
ISBN: 9781536181869
Publication Date: 2020
Sustainable Energy Policies for Europe : Towards 100% Renewable Energy by Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes
The discussion about energy perspectives beyond 2020, up to 2030 and eventually 2050 has started. There seems to be a verbal consensus on the necessity of ambitious climate change mitigation policies, without a convincing perspective of the necessary policy decisions to be reached in due time. Methods to achieve greenhouse gas reduction as well as energy security vary from aiming for 100% renewable energies and setting up appropriate policy frameworks to implementing a mix of renewables comprising so-called clean fossil and nuclear energy. This book provides an analysis of the different approaches and the reasons why there is no sustainable alternative to aiming for 100% renewables - and how this vision could come true. The book provides an overview and in-depth analysis of a vital debate. It describes how the present policy framework with 2020-targets for the share of renewables, for increase of energy efficiency and for greenhouse gas emissions reduction was developed and how it has been implemented so far. Furthermore, it describes and analyses the emerging debate about the future of our energy system and the necessary next steps and targets leading up to 2030.
ISBN: 9780415620994
Publication Date: 2013
The Biofuels Deception by Okbazghi Yohannes
Traces the pitfalls of a biotech-funded green energy of an economy, and its consequences for our planet's future There is by now no question among informed people that the Earth is undergoing severe climate change - soon to become catastrophic, if humans don't take drastic measures to stop it. Heroically into the fray steps the biofuel industry, announcing to millions of anxious consumers that this eco-crisis can be averted if only they turn away from fossil fuels, to the saving power of synthetic bioproducts. But, although eliminating fossil fuels is essential, the manufacture of biofuels has far more to do with sating profit-hungry corporations than with saving the Earth. Combining meticulous scientific narrative with devastating economic analysis, The Biofuels Deception argues that the seemingly innovative, hopeful campaign for "green energy" is actually driven by bio-technology industries and global grain-trading corporations. These corporate players are motivated by a late-capitalist need to cope with a crisis of accumulation; they have no real interest in mitigating climate-change, alleviating poverty, or even creating "clean" energy. In fact, the manufacture of biochemical, bioplastics, and biomaterials, writes Okbazghi Yohannes, portends horrific contradictions and disastrous consequences for nature and society. Actually confronting climate change and the rampant inequality it engenders, Yohannes says, requires two steps. The first is to understand the driving socioeconomic forces behind the biofuels industry. The second is to unravel the tapestry of deceit itself. This book is a necessity for any scholar or environmental activist interested in seeing beyond corporate chimeras to actual environmental solutions.
ISBN: 9781583677032
Publication Date: 2018
International energy policies by edited by Giray Saynur Derman
In today's world, production, development and civilization need energy. Energy is the true power of countries, and the magnitude of its consumption serves as a good indicator for the development rate of nations. Both great and regional powers use this tool as a trump card to dominate the world and their influence areas. Energy rules the world and shapes each nation's policies. In addition, conflicts between countries arise during the race for energy domination. All of these developments make energy a special research topic today. As such, this book covers this subject from a multidimensional view, and includes examinations of many special energy zones like Russia, the Middle East, and the Caspian Basin, as well as the energy policies pursued by leading nations.
ISBN: 9781527585607
Publication Date: 2022
Electric Mountains : Climate, Power, and Justice in an Energy Transition by Shaun A. Golding
Climate change has shifted from future menace to current event. As eco-conscious electricity consumers, we want to do our part in weening from fossil fuels, but what are we actually a part of? Committed environmentalists in one of North America's most progressive regions desperately wanted energy policies that address the climate crisis. For many of them, wind turbines on Northern New England's iconic ridgelines symbolize the energy transition that they have long hoped to see. For others, however, ridgeline wind takes on a very different meaning. When weighing its costs and benefits locally and globally, some wind opponents now see the graceful structures as symbols of corrupted energy politics. This book derives from several years of research to make sense of how wind turbines have so starkly split a community of environmentalists, as well as several communities. In doing so, it casts a critical light on the roadmap for energy transition that Northern New England's ridgeline wind projects demarcate. It outlines how ridgeline wind conforms to antiquated social structures propping up corporate energy interests, to the detriment of the swift de-carbonizing and equitable transformation that climate predictions warrant. It suggests, therefore, that the energy transition of which most of us are a part, is probably not the transition we would have designed ourselves, if we had been asked.
ISBN: 9781978820692
Publication Date: 2021
The Carbon Crunch by Dieter Helm
Dieter Helm looks at how and why we have failed to tackle the issue of global warming and argues for a new, pragmatic rethinking of energy policy.
ISBN: 9780300197198
Publication Date: 2013
Energy Independence :the Individual Pursuit of Energy Freedom by Tripp Hathaway; Alden M. Hathaway, II
The 20th century is known to the entire world as a century of American greatness. Innovations in energy drove that American superiority; innovations such as oil pipelines, petroleum-based fuel, the light bulb, electricity, and the power grid. However, our legacy energy economy leaves us wanting in the 21st century. Centralized vulnerability, wasted generation capacity, dependence on foreign fuel, and climate change are financed by every one of us at the pump and in our monthly utility bill. However, "Energy Independence" is not about what is wrong with our current energy economy; rather it describes a bright future that is waiting to be unlocked. It presents a plan where the average homeowner can not only achieve energy freedom for their household, but usher in the new energy economy.
ISBN: 9788770226936
Publication Date: 2022
Let It Shine : The 6,000-Year Story of Solar Energy by John Perlin; Mark Z. Jacobson
The definitive history of solar power and technology Even as concern over climate change and energy security fuels a boom in solar technology, many still think of solar as a twentieth-century wonder. Few realize that the first photovoltaic array appeared on a New York City rooftop in 1884, or that brilliant engineers in France were using solar power in the 1860s to run steam engines, or that in 1901 an ostrich farmer in Southern California used a single solar engine to irrigate three hundred acres of citrus trees. Fewer still know that Leonardo da Vinci planned to make his fortune by building half-mile-long mirrors to heat water, or that the Bronze Age Chinese used hand-size solar-concentrating mirrors to light fires the way we use matches and lighters today. With thirteen new chapters, Let It Shine is a fully revised and expanded edition of A Golden Thread, John Perlin's classic history of solar technology, detailing the past forty-plus years of technological developments driving today's solar renaissance. This unique and compelling compendium of humankind's solar ideas tells the fascinating story of how our predecessors throughout time, again and again, have applied the sun to better their lives -- and how we can, too.
ISBN: 9781608687916
Publication Date: 2022
Stopping Oil : Climate Justice and Hope by Sophie Bond; Amanda Thomas; Gradon Diprose
Lessons learned from the powerful climate justice campaign in Aotearoa New Zealand A cautionary tale how deep-sea oil exploration became politicized in Aotearoa New Zealand, where community groups mobilized against it and the backlash that followed. It is also a story of activists exercising an ethic of care and responsibility, and how that solidarity was masked and silenced by the neoliberal state. As Aotearoa New Zealand began to pursue deep-sea oil as part of its development agenda, a powerful climate justice campaign emerged, comprising a range of autonomous 'Oil Free' groups around the country, NGOs like Greenpeace, and iwi and hapu (Maori tribal groups). As their influence increased, the state employed different tactics to silence them, starting with media representations designed to delegitimize, followed by securitization and surveillance that controlled their activities, and finally targeted state-sanctioned violence and dehumanization. By highlighting geographies of hope for radical progressive change, the authors focus on the many examples of the campaign where solidarity and political responsibility shone through the repression, leading us towards a brighter future for climate justice across the globe.
ISBN: 9780745341316
Publication Date: 2023
Big Switch : Australia's Electric Future by Saul Griffith
limate change is a planetary emergency. We have to do something now - but what? Australian visionary Saul Griffith has a plan. In The Big Switch, Griffith lays out a detailed blueprint - optimistic but feasible - for fighting climate change while creating millions of new jobs and a healthier environment. Griffith explains exactly what it would take to transform our infrastructure, update our grid, and adapt our households. The same natural advantages - incredible resources on an enormous continent - that helped Australia prosper in the 20th century are the ingredients for becoming the most prosperous, entirely renewable, economy in the world. 'The point is, we don't have to be perfect to solve climate change. We just need to be electric. If we go hard and go early on cutting emissions - and if by so doing we encourage other countries to increase their ambition and follow us - we have everything to win. We'll be winning so much, we'll win, win, win, win, win. Lower energy prices for all Australians. Driving our vehicles will be cheaper than it has ever been. Heating our homes and our showers will be cheaper too. The average household will probably save $5000 a year or more on energy and car expenses.'-Saul Griffith
ISBN: 9781760643874
Publication Date: 2022
Taming the Sun : Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet by Varun Sivaram
How solar could spark a clean-energy transition through transformative innovation--creative financing, revolutionary technologies, and flexible energy systems. Solar energy, once a niche application for a limited market, has become the cheapest and fastest-growing power source on earth. What's more, its potential is nearly limitless--every hour the sun beams down more energy than the world uses in a year. But in Taming the Sun, energy expert Varun Sivaram warns that the world is not yet equipped to harness erratic sunshine to meet most of its energy needs. And if solar's current surge peters out, prospects for replacing fossil fuels and averting catastrophic climate change will dim. Innovation can brighten those prospects, Sivaram explains, drawing on firsthand experience and original research spanning science, business, and government. Financial innovation is already enticing deep-pocketed investors to fund solar projects around the world, from the sunniest deserts to the poorest villages. Technological innovation could replace today's solar panels with coatings as cheap as paint and employ artificial photosynthesis to store intermittent sunshine as convenient fuels. And systemic innovation could add flexibility to the world's power grids and other energy systems so they can dependably channel the sun's unreliable energy. Unleashing all this innovation will require visionary public policy: funding researchers developing next-generation solar technologies, refashioning energy systems and economic markets, and putting together a diverse clean energy portfolio. Although solar can't power the planet by itself, it can be the centerpiece of a global clean energy revolution. A Council on Foreign Relations Book
ISBN: 9780262037686
Publication Date: 2018