Business Plan Slide Deck
Statista's Business Plan Export tool helps you create your business plan in three steps: select market, select region, and export business plan.
Go to: Services > Business Plan Export.
Search for "business plan" in the Library catalogue or enter AZH which stands for small business.
Titles held include:
New business road test: what entrepreneurs and executives should do before launching a lean start up. John Mullins (LBS author)
Creating business plans : gather your resources, describe the opportunity, get buy-in. Harvard Business Review. (print and e-book.)
Entrepreneurial Finance. Luisa Alemany. (LBS author.) Both print and e-books available.
Free Web resources
Reference for Business
This consists of actual business plans written by entrepreneurs in North America who are seeking financing for their business.
Business Link
Preparing a business plan - UK government advice.
US Small Business Association - writing a business plan.
This site gives guidance to US businesses through all the stages of starting and running a small business.