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Guide for aspiring entrepreneurs from the Information Services and Library Team

Social entrepreneurship

Library Databases 
For global news and trade articles on social venturing/social entrepreneurs use the Factiva database.
Or use Summon, the search box on our home page for content that is more academic and also e-book content.

You can filter for social ventures or social enterprise


Web resources about Social Entrepreneuring
Philanthropy UK -  is the leading resource for free and impartial advice to aspiring philanthropists who want to give effectively. It provides an overview of social entrepreneuring and social enterprises. 

Social Enterprise UK - The voice for social enterprise in Britain, Social Enterprise UK works in partnership with government departments and mainstream businesses. It provides publications, events and networking opportunities.

Net Impact is a non-profit membership organization for students and professionals interested in using business skills in support of various social and environmental causes. See their Ultimate Guide to Social Entrepreneurship.

SkollWorldForum - offers news, insight, and opportunities to accelerate entrepreneurial approaches and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing social issues.

UnLtd is a charity that provides financial and practical support to social entrepreneurs in addition to undertaking social enterprise themed research