The Library is open 24/7.
Staff are available:
Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday - 11:00 - 17:00 (remote)
Phone: +44 (0)20 7000 7620
Bookmark our A-Z Databases — this is how you access our premium resources. Do not go directly to the database as this may not pick up our LBS authentication.
Most of our resources don't need registration, but some do. We recommend you sign up for the ones below, but check out the full list to see if any others interest you. Make sure to use your LBS email when you register.
Alongside the FT and Economist apps, you may wish to install the software below. Please read our third party disclaimer beforehand.
The Library licences access to e-books, e-journals and datasets for the use of current students, faculty and staff of the School only. Infringement of our licence terms puts our digital library at risk and can lead to the termination of access to a resource for all LBS users. You, as an authorised user, are responsible for ensuring that your use of the resources complies with the licence terms and conditions.
Our licences allow you to make use of these resources personally and for educational purposes only.
These broad principles apply to all resources though the terms of each licence do vary. If you have any questions about the licensing of a specific electronic resource, please email