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Copyright for Teaching

Supplying readings

There are 2 ways to supply readings to students 

  • Linking to a website or subscribed database. 
  • Uploading the document 

LBS subscribed resources

You should always link to our subscribed resources: journals, e-books, working papers, the FT.COM etc. Do not upload articles into Canvas. If for some reason you need to - please contact the Library.

Harvard Business Review prohibits linking to many of its articles even though they are in Business Source Complete. Please contact the Library for guidance:

Free - web resources.
You should link to free web resources but ensure it is a reliable website that has the rights to the content. Do not bypass paywalls or registration. 
A report that is free on the web is not free to save in Canvas unless it is stated explicitly. Do not use unreliable websites or sites such as Sci-Hub, ResearchGate, and similar as they often do not clear copyright.

Adding PDFs (instead of linking).
nsure all published material, that you add to Canvas as a file/PDF complies with UK copyright law. You need to know which one of these apply:

Owned LBS owns the copyright. We own the copyright of LBS cases, Think at London Business School, formerly known as Business Strategy Review.
Free The publication/website explicitly states that content may be used for non-commercial (or educational) purposes or it has an appropriate Creative Commons licence.
Licenced The book or journal is covered by the CLA licence and you are within the quantity limits.  Detail is here.
Fee You have purchased the rights to copy for the specific course.

Please get in touch with the Library who can help with readings.