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Company research

Investment analysts' research reports

Mergent Online

This is our primary source for analysts' research. See the Investext tab.
To limit the results when searching by company name try searching for the name as keyword in title.

How to find analyst research in Investext (3 min video).

Finance Zone
Our academic account has limited access to brokers reports. Find the company then use the function code <DS > 
Factiva Go to the Companies and Markets tab. Find your company and go to Analysis & Profiles to find a few recent reports.
How to find analyst research in Factiva (1 min video).

Includes some Equity reports from J.P. Morgan. To find them search for your sector or company. Then use filters on left to limit by date and then document type=company profile. This finds J.P. Morgan Equities Research Reports and will work for either a named company or industry sector. 

Capital IQ Pro CIQ has analysts' recommendations but our subscription does not include the full-text of the analysts' reports.