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Financial markets data


FUND <GO>  for the funds home page Enter ETF<GO> for exchange traded funds or FSRC<GO> to screen for funds. Hedge fund coverage is very limited,.

Capital IQ 
Enter the name of the public fund in the search box to get  a tear sheet, overview of holding and top holders. For pricing go to the chart, you can download data.
Hedge funds - Go to Screening for companies > Investment/Advisory Firms section and pick> Primary Fund Types Managed and then pick Hedge Funds and Add Criteria. Search and then add other criteria i.e., total assets or geographic location.

CRSP: Mutual Funds - US - via WRDS 
Open-ended U.S. mutual fund data from 1961- (quarterly updates).  The CRSP Mutual Fund Database is designed to facilitate research on the historical performance of open-ended mutual funds by using survivor-bias-free data and includes a history of each mutual fund’s name, investment style, fee structure, holdings, and asset allocation. Also included are monthly total returns, monthly total net assets, monthly/daily net asset values, and dividends. Additionally, schedules of rear and front load fees, asset class codes, and management company contact information are provided. All data items are for publicly traded open-end mutual funds and begin at varying times between 1962 and 2008 depending on availability.

Enter the name of the fund or use the Advanced fund screening app to screen for mutual funds that match your criteria. The fund details page gives the latest ESG score, shows top ten holdings. performance over a range of time periods and benchmarks.

Search for the fund by name, (no screening option available). You can get overview, pirice history, holdings data, changes and trends.

Covers 6,000 stocks, 20,000 mutual funds and over 150 Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and offers screening tools and star ratings and portfolio analysis tools. Use the installed version in the Finance Suite for full screening potential or install the software on your PC.