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Copyright for course packs

Attaching PDFs taken from LBS subscribed e-resources

Attaching PDFs taken from LBS subscribed online resources

Taking PDFs of journals/magazines articles or e-book chapters and uploading them into course rooms is copying and copyright rules apply. So we don't have to keep asking publishers for permission we have a blanket licence with the CLA which covers the majority of publishers and their titles, but not all!
There are exclusions and the rights can change, so check permissions each time the course is run.
To check go to the CLA title lookup to ensure it indicates that digital copying is permitted, see example below:








If a title - book or journal) - is permitted under the CLA licence but the School does not subscribe the Library can usually purchase a copyright cleared copy for you. Do this by using the Request Materials link in the Library catalogue and provide us with a budget code and full details of the item.

If a title is not covered by the CLA licence check the publisher’s website as you will have to purchase the copyright permission direct.
Alternatively consider linking instead of attaching the PDF of the item. (Follow the linking instructions.)

Do not download and attach articles from:

Factiva database - link instead.
Proquest ABI Inform database - link instead. - link instead.
Investext i.e. ThomsonOne research.
IBISWorld, MarketLine, Forrester, Frost & Sullivan, 

When copying/redistributing PDFs from online books and journals covered by the CLA you must always:

  • Obey the quantity limits: 10% of a book or 1 chapter, (or whichever is greater.) For a greater quantity see 2nd extract information below.
  • 10% or one article of a journal issue.
  • Ensure that the bibliographic details are included.
  • Complete and attach a CLA copyright statement. (See section: Copyright notices).
  • Save the file using the file naming conventions. (See section: File naming conventions.)
  • Do not use inspection or proof copies or article off-prints. (i.e. only use the final published version.)
  • Ensure the School has (or had at the time of copying) a copy of the item. (N.B. check the edition we have.)