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Copyright for course packs

Useful documents and links



File naming conventions:



Copyright Cleared  - meaning paid for.
Via  the publisher, HBR or CCC  or any other rights seller.


Copyright Licensing Agency license covered scan or digital copy.

NB if it is copied under the (paid for) second extract service of the CLA use cc

If it was provided by the British Library then user: clac


No Charge as it one of the following: LBS owned, Creative Commons, free to use, or public domain.


Newspaper Licensing Agency licensed scan or digital copy.


So for a book chapter:     For a case:     For a newspaper article:
Covered by the cla licence for free Purchase from the CaseCentre Covered by the NLA for digital copying or scanning
book_BusinessCycles_cla.pdf     case_Swatch_cc.pdf             newarticle_WSJ_nla